“…you should pick up The Traitor Son Cycle by Miles Cameron. It has all of the dragons and knightly battles and magic and sprawling cast of characters and epic stakes and deep historical roots of Game of Thrones. In fact, it exceeds Game of Thrones on almost all of those measures.”
Terribly nice things being said about The Traitor Son Cycle over on “Every Day Should Be Tuesday”. Click through below to read the whole thing!
via The Traitor Son Cycle is the Perfect Hair of the Dog for your Game of Thrones Hangover
The first two books were great! I just wish the narrator for the audio books hadn’t changed. Now I’ll never know the outcome 🙁
Love this series. It really has everything you could want in a medieval fantasy. In fact I should probably reread it very soon.
The series is wonderful and is my “go to” for re-reads and has inspired several RPG characters and NPCs. Christian do you intend to return to that world for any more stories?