Dear Reader,

Hello! I’m Christian Cameron, whom a few of you may know as ‘Miles’ Cameron (or even Gordon Kent). I’ve been a writer full time since the late 90’s and I’ve finally decided to have a newsletter.
So Welcome! This is all a bit of an experiment for me, and I hope we all enjoy it.
In the Newsletter, we’ll have the usual commercial stuff as I try and sell you books and stories, but the good part is that I’ll also endeavor to put in some unique content; I promise a Red Knight related Christmas story and a bunch of gaming-related content; just for example, I’m writing a whole novella for Joseph McCullough’s brilliant ‘Rangers of Shadow Deep’ that will be available here only starting in September, complete with Keight MacLean illustrations!
The Shadow War will come out one chapter a month, every month, and you will get the first chapter right away for joining my newsletter. Every chapter is based on a game in the system. No punches are pulled; characters live or die by the dice. I feel this is a unique experiment in gaming and writing, and I’m energized by discussing this at Worldcon. See what you think.
And it will be free… if you get the Newsletter.
And I’ll also be putting my Tom Swans on the Website. They won’t be free; but I do promise to get them out starting this Fall.
To get the ball rolling, I’m also offering “3 Stories by Miles Cameron” an exclusive ebook containing 3 original short stories from the world of The Red Knight. Just sign up below, and they’ll be sent to you.
In addition, the website and the newsletter will have all my latest publishing info, sneak peaks at future work, and a steady supply of pastry. I mean, if you can get the pastry through your digital portal. That’s on you.
Anyway, thanks for signing on, and please tell me if you think I can make this better.
Your constantly writing author,
Christian/Miles Cameron
Sign up below and Shadow War: Chapter 1 and 3 Stories By Miles Cameron will be delivered to you in the format of your choice (PDF, Kindle, or ePub)